As for Jesus telling the man he would be with him in paradise, keep in mind that the punctuation was added after translating. He could just have easily been saying "truly I tell you today, you will be with me..." I realize this is the JW explanation for that scripture and I don't know which way is correct. I personally don't think it matters. My point is, you can't prove it is one way or the other. You have not proven the immortal soul with this scripture.
I think this scripture is of immense importance, because it can totally blow the WTS doctrine about "soul-sleep" out of the water.
"Truly I tell you" ("I tell you the truth" in the NIV) was an expression regularly used by Jesus (I'm sure you know this). In the gospels, he's recorded as using this expression like 60 or 70 times.
Follow this link to see these references and notice that in each and every case the expression is immediately followed by a comma (and once by a colon I think):
This makes sense, because it was a way Jesus began sentences all the time. So knowing this, why in this one case would Jesus change the way he starts his sentences, adding the word "today"? It really makes no sense.
Not only that, but what does "truly I tell you today" even mean? Is it necessary to let the person being addressed know that he is being spoken to "today"? I mean, is there a chance the person will think he is being spoken to yesterday, or tomorrow?
And what about all the other times Jesus used this introduction? Why did he not let those persons know he was speaking to them "today"?
I'm not trying to convert you, just sharing something that I personally found interesting.